Friday Mar 28, 2025

A Guide To Front Coil Spring Replacement

If you need to install new coil springs on your vehicle, then you’ll need to get particular equipment and the right know-how. It is not very difficult to install this yourself, however, it is challenging and risky. So, it is important that you take safety precautions when attempting to replace the front coil springs in your car.

Step 1: Raising The Vehicle

The very first thing that that you will have to do is raise your vehicle so that it is off of the ground so you can get to the coil springs. Simply put the car jack under the vehicle and ensure that it is placed under the engine cradle. It may be best to use a hydraulic jack if you have one available since this helps to give the suspension more support as the vehicle is raised.

Make sure that you take the required safety measures so that your vehicle doesn’t slip off from the jack. Of course, before raising the vehicle, make sure that you also crack the wheel nuts first so that they are loose.

Step 2: Remove The Wheels

After the car has been raised, you’ll need to take off the vehicle’s front wheels. The way that you do this will be dependent on the type of car that you have. Basically, different vehicles are set up differently so you will need to follow the appropriate wheel removal process for your vehicle.

Step 3: Ball Joint

In the next step, you’ll have to take off the control arm’s lower ball joint. It is essential that the socket you have is the correct size, i.e. the same size as the one you’re taking out. You will have to utilize a pickle fork in between the spindle and the control arm. This will help to separate them. Then, you’ll need to jack up the rotor so that you can take off the control arm that is on the spindle stud. Make sure that you take the required safety measures so that your vehicle doesn’t slip off from the jack. Of course, before raising the vehicle, make sure that you also crack the wheel nuts first so that they are loose. See Apex Suspension for high-quality products.

Step 4: Taking Off The Strut

Find the three mounting bolts by opening the hood. These bolts are the ones responsible for holding the strut onto the vehicle’s body. You will need to remove the three nuts and move the strut out and away from the vehicle. Make sure that you secure these nuts as you will need them when replacing new parts. This is because coil springs don’t have replacement nuts included.

Step 5: Coil Compressing

Safety is very important when taking out the strut’s coil. You will need to compress the coil springs before removing the strut’s bolts. Keep in mind that this is extremely dangerous since if the spring uncoils, it can cause a lot of damage to you. You will need to utilize compression brackets that are positioned at 180 degrees and the opposite of one another while on the spring. Make sure that you evenly tighten them. You should do about 8 to 10 turns before you swap them. After they have been compressed you can then take off the holding bolt which would be located at the top of the strut and then you’ll be able to remove the coil.

Step 6: Placing The New Coil Spring

When you need to install the new coil spring, you’ll have to also compress it first before you can install it. So, you’ll need to do the same compression as you did in the previous step, however, make ensure that you position the compression brackets at 180 degrees on opposing angles. After the tool has been tightened, then you can put the new coil spring onto the strut. There is a groove at the bottom of the strut where the coil spring should sit. Once it is set in place, tighten the top bolt. Once the coil spring is installed you are free to take out the compression tool.

Step 7: Placing The Strut

In order to reinstall the strut, you simply need to do the reverse of what you did to remove it. Once it is in place, make sure that you use the three holding bolts that you put aside earlier to secure the strut again. Then you’ll have to place the spindle and control arm together again and replace all the other parts.

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